the interview
     The number one rule for an interview is to not be late.  There are different types of questions that are asked on an interview beginning with small talk, personal questions, educational questions, experience questions , and behavior  questions.  The best answers come from being prepared , smiling, give details, and accentuate the positive.  To begin the interview you can use the "elevator pitch" that was discussed on the Pre-Interview page, or wait until the interviewer asks you, "Tell me about yourself".
    To begin with the interview may start with the small talk questions such as "What a beautiful/miserable/cold/hot/sunny/rainy/snowy day, isn't it?" Don't get into a long conversation as a response, keep it short.  Other questions may be on current events, so prior to the interview make sure you know what is the latest world or local news.  If interviewing out of town, buy a local newspaper prior to the interview, and do some research on the local area.  You may be asked if you would like something to drink.  The best response would be "no" as this is not a social call and to avoid the chance of spilling the drink on yourself or in the office. 
    The first question type of personal question is usually, "Tell me about yourself?", or  "Tell me about your work and educational history, beginning with after high school(college)?" Answers should be about two minutes and rehearse your response.  There are different work histories that need to be addressed for career changers, reentering the work force, or just changing jobs.  One of the most common questions to prepare for is "Why are you leaving your current position?" and "Why did you leave your last position?".Be consistent with your answers and never lie at an interview.  The interviewee may check your work references and your responses should match what the references will say.  Responses to changes in positions should be positive and some answers can be due to industry-wide changes where a response would be: "New technology is making the product obsolete". There may also be organizational, geographical relocation or personal concerns such as "I have gone as far as I could go in the organization". 
   Some of the educational questions may be "Why did you go to XYZ college?", "What made you choose your career to be a teacher?"  Prior to the interview review your educational history and professional goals so you have answers to any questions about your background.
     The work experience questions will be based on performance in previous positions.  The questions will be geared to work situations, working independently, being an effective team member, managing employees, handling  difficult work situations, problem solving and decision making.  One of these types of questions may be,"What are some things that you find difficult to do? ".  A response would be to identify tedious tasks that are not important or make it a positive problem  such as, "I find it difficult to say no to a customer when they ask for assistance and our department does not handle that product."  To answer work experience questions, it is best to review your past history and identify work situations that can be discussed at an interview. 
     Behavior questions are work-based and link past job behavior to behaviors that are required in the organization you are interviewing at. Some questions may be, "What is your relationship with your former employer?", Describe a time when you were faced with a stressful situation that demonstrated your coping skills?" or "Describe a situation where you had a personal conflict with an emergency business meeting?".  A response to the last question should be focused on loyalty and commitment to the  organization and reassurance that personal responsibilities will not interfere with your job.

Here are some references to assist you in preparing for the interview questions:
100 Potential Interview Questions
Career Development eManual-Interviews
Interview Preparation-The Virtual Interview
Interview Questions and Answers

Lesson Plan Pre-Interview
Dress for Success
The Interview
Post Interview Interactive Quiz