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1. The interviewer asks you the following question: "Why are you looking for a new job?  The best response would be

a) I drive too far to my present job.

b) I do not get along with my current boss.

c) I have mastered my current position and there are no opportunities for advancement.

d) All of the above


2. Which of the following is part of the preinterview preparation?

a) Have the exact address and location of where the interview is.

b) Research the organization.

c) Make copy of current resume to bring to the interview

d) All of the above.


3. A good question to ask a potential employer at the end of the interview is?

a) What is the salary for this position?

b) What do you feel are the most important aspects of this position?

c) How much vacation time do I receive, I have a trip planned next week.

d) All of the above.


4. For a women, an appropriate outfit to wear to an interview is:

a) Apparel:  Red Skirt with white blouse. Shoes:  Red high heels.

Accessories:  Black purse with red brief case.

b) Apparel:  Dark blue suit, jacket and skirt.  Shoes: Dark blue to match the suit.

Accessories. Black briefcase

c) Apparel:  Pink dress with jacket.

Shoes:  Bright pink high heels.

Accessories:  Purse to match and has a nose ring.

d) All of the above


5. For a man, an appropriate outfit to wear to an interview would be:

a) Apparel:  A navy pinstripe suit.

Shoes:   Navy or black shoes with matching socks.

Accessories:  Briefcase

b) Apparel:  Blue jeans with a sports jacket.

Shoes:  Black sneakers.

Accessories:  Double gold earrings in both ears.

c) Apparel:  Khaki pants and a tee-shirt

Shoes:  White sneakers.

Accessories:  Tattoo showing on upper-arm.

d) None of the Above.

Lesson Plan Pre-Interview
Dress for Success
The Interview
Post Interview Interactive Quiz